Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Loitering gangbangers caught holding weed at 12th and Maple

March 29, 2007. 9:27 PM
An officer saw three known gang members standing in the 1200 block of Maple after they had been told not to loiter. When they saw his squad car, the men quickly entered a 1996 Grand Am with temporary plates. The officer walked up and asked what they were doing. "We’re leaving," was the reply. A strong odor of cannabis wafted from the Grand Am. The officer told everyone to get out of the car and submit to a weapons check. A rear passenger – a 20-year-old man from the 2700 block of East – told the officer they had weed in the back seat in a sweatshirt pocket. The officer also found a "one-hitter" pipe and a small wooden "dug out" pot container containing what you would expect. The driver, another 20-year-old man, lives in the 1500 block of Wisconsin. The third man is homeless. All three were ticketed for possession of marijuana and the Grand Am was towed.