March 29, 2007, 1:26 PM
An off-duty officer driving westbound on Windsor near Home saw a car pull in front of a 1999 Pontiac, nearly hitting it. The Pontiac then made a sudden u-turn, nearly hitting the police officer's car, and began to chase the first car at speeds of over 40 MPH. During the chase, the Pontiac blew the stop sign at 34th and Home, chasing the other car east on 35th; it then ignored the stop sign at 35th and Clinton (a school zone), driving erratically and nearly hitting the car it was chasing several times. The car being chased pulled into a gas station at Ogden and Oak Park Avenue. The Pontiac pulled in also, pinning the first car so that it could not escape. The Pontiac driver, 43-year-old Bradford Condylis of Chicago, ran to the driver’s side of his quarry and yelled at the other driver, "I work with the Cook County Sheriff’s office – I’m going to take action against you!" The off-duty officer identified himself to both drivers and asked to see Mr. Condylis’s police ID. Condylis said he had claimed a connection with the sheriff just to "teach these young girls a lesson." Finally, Condylis said he was a reporter for the Chicago Tribune. He was cited for speeding, blowing two stop signs and driving on an expired license.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Road-rage: man chases car that cut him off, breaks more laws than other driver did
disobeying two stops,
expired license,